Friday, May 16, 2008

There were signs...

I saw the famous Softball episode of the Simpsons again yesterday. "Homer at the Bat" is the name of the episode, and it features prominent MLBers of the time. I've seen it many, many times, and I found myself quoting most of the lines. What I found amazing was the use of performance enhancing drugs. This episode was made in 1992, yet it took MLB over 10 years to take action on the drug front. Ken Griffey's head gets massively bigger after consuming a large amount of Nerve tonic. No one thought head size was going to be an issue in the future? Jose Canseco has enough strength and endurance to carry out an entire house full of appliances? Yup that's natural. Glad to see Bud Selig has been on his game for the past 16 years.

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